
🎊 January Newsletter 🎊

🎊 January Newsletter 🎊

We are only 1 month into the New Year, and there is already plenty going on within the tutor community; including Tutor Academy sessions, new features and other exciting updates!

  • Rebecca Thumwood
    Rebecca Thumwood
2 min read

🎄December News 🎄

🎄December News 🎄

Happy December to you all! ☃️ Read below for information on our first Tutor of the Year awards, a new feature, upcoming Tutor Academy webinars, as well as general GoStudent news and successes 🥳

  • Rebecca Thumwood
    Rebecca Thumwood
3 min read

Request more sessions

Request more sessions

You're worried that your students might need more sessions in a selected subject and membership renewal is coming up?

  • Rebecca Thumwood
    Rebecca Thumwood
1 min read

✨November News ✨

✨November News ✨

November is here and winter is just around the corner! ❄️ This month's newsletter includes some info about new processes and initiatives, as well as celebrating the tutor of the month and GoStudent News 🤓 Tutor Updates🙏 Listed Vacancies - new feature 🙏 Looking for more students? Tired of your Whatsapp being overloaded? There is a

  • Rebecca Thumwood
    Rebecca Thumwood
3 min read

Listed Vacancies - take over a student!

Listed Vacancies - take over a student!

Phone constantly pinging?  Whatsapp Groups too busy? We hear you! 👂 Read below to see how we will post substitute tutor requests from now on, how it works, and how you can get started! What is it?This new page [] will be the go-to place to take on regular students and

  • Rebecca Thumwood
    Rebecca Thumwood
1 min read

🍂 October Newsletter 🍂

🍂 October Newsletter 🍂

Welcome to your first post on the newsletter. The newsletter will be a place you can come to for general updates, get inspired by the tutor of the month, catch up on GoStudent news and look into the month ahead!

  • Rebecca Thumwood
    Rebecca Thumwood
2 min read