🤝Round Tables 🤝

We will now be holding the round tables once every two months!

Next Round Table details:
➡️ January Round table ⬅️
📅 Date: 24/01/2023
⏰ Time: 11:00AM

The slides from November’s roundtable can be found HERE.

Read below for a short summary.

  1. Referrals lottery

💫Refer a tutor before 19th December, and in addition to the existing bonus, you could be in with a chance to win some prizes!

2. Tutor Development Calls

🤳What are they? A chance to meet your Tutor Success Manager and ask questions, share feedback and support you with your ongoing development.

🤙How to get involved? Look out for an email coming soon with a link you can use to book in a face-to-face meeting!

3. Tutor Academy

🎉Tutor Academy Learning Festival on 1st and 2nd December - check it out and book here
💪Look out for updates about upcoming webinars and more from our Tutor Ambassador Irena Micic!

Check out our exciting sessions coming up to round off the year - find out more here.


🏆The Ceremony is coming up on 9th December. Find out more and RSVP here.

💸 This roundtable was a questions and answers session on the new loyalty bonus model 💸

More information can be found on your payments page HERE.

The slides from July's roundtable can be found HERE.
Read below for a short summary.

  1. Webapp Troubleshooting
    🔧An overview of what to do if the webapp doesn’t work and where to find other useful infographics
    🚀Troubleshooting - what to do if earnings are not being recorded when feedback is submitted
  2. Booking New Students
    📝What has changed? The “+New Student” button has been discontinued
    💡 What happens instead? If taking over a student from another tutor or from the vacancy page, the student will be automatically added to the tutor’s webapp.
  3. Payments
    💰The payment threshold - Tutors have needed to earn at least £100/€100 in a month to be paid. This is being discontinued very soon!
  4. Seneca
    📚What is it? An online, digital resource hub with resources for students at KS2 to A-Level, across all different exam boards.
    📂How to access? It can now be accessed directly through the webapp, under “Useful Links” > “Resource Platform”.
  5. Tutor Academy
    ⚡Check out our exciting sessions coming up this summer - find out more here.

The next roundtable will be on Monday 19th September at 11:00. Register at the top of this page. Hope to see you there!

The slides from May's roundtable can be found HERE.

Read below for a short summary.

  1. Feedback Bug
    🐞 An overview of the current feedback bug - feedback being submitted after a lesson but earnings not being recorded
    🚀 Troubleshooting - how to minimise disruptions whilst the bug is getting fixed
  2. Didactic Materials
    📝 What is it? A folder of resources & supporting learning materials made available for tutors
    📁 Where can I find these resources? Here 😀
  3. Seneca - an online resource hub
    👨‍🏫 Benchmarking Project - Assessments for students to quantify their progress. Participate and receive £15 for every student who completes the 6 week programme!
    📚 Resources Project - Want a sneak peak into the basis of our tutor-tutor content sharing platform? Provide feedback and be entered into a raffle to receive a £15 Amazon voucher.
    ☎️ Interested? Reach out via the Support Number!
  4. Tutor Academy
    🌞 Summer Study Programme - a fun, interactive and engaging way to keep students engaged during the summer
    Read more about it here.
  5. Global Tutor News
    📰 What is it? Get exciting updates from our Founders, Felix & Gregor.
    📆 When is it? Tuesday 31st May, at 3:30pm
    👉 Watch here

Unfortunately we did not hold a round table in April due to the way the bank holidays & the Easter period fell.

The slides from March's roundtable can be found HERE!

Read below for a short summary.

  1. Lessonspace
    🤷 Recap of Lessonspace - what is it and why are we moving?
    🚀 Delay in Launch - continuing testing phase with 2 pools of tutors
    🤩 Upcoming Workshops - dates to be announced shortly!
  2. Seneca
    📝 A new platform to share resources with students and set homework
  3. Tutor Academy
    📅 March & April's upcoming webinars
    Read all about the tutor academy HERE!
  4. Payments
    🐞 Clarity around February's bonus bug
    🔄 Process Reminders - Webapp adjustments

The slides from February's roundtable can be found HERE!

Read below for a short summary.

  1. Incentives
    💸 Referral Lottery
    🤓 Tutor Benefits - Be sure to check the updates page & website frequently!
  2. Payments
    💥 Payments going out early!
    🔄 Process Reminders
  3. Lessonspace
    👨‍🏫 Our new interactive whiteboard that will be replacing Zoom!
    🚀 Launch Date: March 15th
  4. Tutor Academy
    🤷 What is it?
    📅 What webinars are upcoming?
    ☝️ How do I register?
    😍 Incentives - tell me more
    Read all about the tutor academy HERE!
  1. Webapp

⏳ - 48 hours is too long to wait to adjust a session.
We will be shortening the time between lesson completion and earnings adjustments to significantly less than 48 hours.

❗  - Continuing issues with logging feedback
We have identified a bug where duplicated sessions meant feedback logging was inconsistent. There are now no new duplicates and remaining ones are being phased out.

2. Payments

💰 - Payment is late/inconsistent
We’ve heard you: In November and December, 94% of payments were paid on time. Delays are due to our payment provider, high traffic of manual adjustments and international transfers.

⏰ - Payment adjustment form takes too much time
We’ve heard you: We are working on an ‘add session’ button into the webapp so tutors will no longer have to fill in the manual adjustment form and email it to the payments team.
There will also be a select few options to select when requestin a Webapp adjustment to help speed it up -> this is in the final stages of review.

3. Support and communication

💬 - Support is only available until 6pm.
We’ve heard you: You are able to exit the support number and go through another workflow to connect with customer care - who are online until 9pm. We will send a refresher on how to do this.

💁 - Tutors still need support after the mentor groups close
We’ve heard you: We will now be offering ongoing mentorship support for tutors that wish to remain with a mentor, even after their original group closes. For any existing tutors who do not have a mentor, please reach out to us via the support number.

4. PMs and Customer Success

☎ - Programme managers not adding tutors into WA groups quick enough
We’ve heard you: We have now led several trainings with programme managers to ensure this doesn’t happen. If it does, please come through to us directly on the support number.

🔍 - Confusion about the GoStudent team structure - who does what?
We’ve heard you: We are creating new explanatory resources to send out on the Updates group so you know who does what.

5. General

⚡ - Tutor Academy sessions to be made available - SOON!
- Being globally scaled with an event plan
- There is now a calendar that has been shared in Updates Whatsapp & Webapp page which can be found here!

➕ - More Tutor Team members
We are ramping up our Tutor Team so we have more tutor managers to support you!

😍 - New virtual Onboarding resources
We’ve created a series of videos (and a quiz) for tutors to reference for support on how to use the platform.