New Loyalty Bonus

The new loyalty bonus program now gives you the opportunity to increase per lesson earnings every six months up to  £/€16 per lesson.

The loyalty bonus system moves away from one-off payouts and instead gives you the opportunity to increase your per lesson earnings. The number of completed regular and trial lessons are reviewed every six months starting from 01.10.2022.* 🏁

*The evaluation period for tutors beginning their tutor journey after 01.10.2022 starts the day their profile is verified and they are able to book lessons.

To be eligible for the new loyalty bonus, the same number of lessons need to be completed as for the old loyalty bonus. What does this mean?

1️⃣ Complete at least 150 lessons within your 6-month evaluation period and get a basic increase in per lesson earnings.

2️⃣ Complete 300 lessons or more within your 6-month evaluation period and get a premium  increase in per lesson earnings.

For the basic/premium increase amounts and maximum lesson rates, please visit the Loyalty Bonus section in the WebApp. More updates concerning the Earnings section are coming soon!

⭐ Base rate is not lowered in less active months

If you have had busy months with less time for tutoring, you do not have to worry: this new bonus model gives you a fresh start at the beginning of each 6-month evaluation cycle to work towards an increase in per lesson earnings. If you don't reach a threshold during one 6 month period, you have the opportunity to do so in the next one.

⭐Opportunity to increase per lesson earnings for all further lessons.

When you reach the basic or premium threshold in your 6 month evaluation period, your per lesson earnings increase for all further lessons. You can unlock higher amounts after each 6-month period up to a maximum amount of £/€16 per lesson.

Trial lessons are counted as well

We know that all lessons require your time and preparation. Therefore, the new loyalty bonus counts both trial and regular lessons - both are counted to help you reach the thresholds!

We will  run the old model in parallel for six more months so every tutor that started before 01/10/22 can finish their bonus cycle and receive the respective one-off payout (Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum), if they reach the threshold for it. Please check the information below relevant to you based on your start date:

  • All tutors who have been working towards any of the old loyalty bonuses (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) can finish the old bonus cycle and receive the one-off payout once the threshold is reached, as long as this bonus is reached by 31/03/23.
  • Regardless of receiving the old bonus or not, tutors automatically begin the lesson count towards the increase in per lesson earning from October 1, 2022 onwards. 📅
  • All new tutors can work towards the lesson rate increase from the date their profile was verified. This means the counter starts on the day that you are verified by the system as ready to teach lessons. Please note that this date will likely occur before the day of your first lesson. 📅
  • The old loyalty bonus does not apply for tutors joining after October 1, 2022.

For a more detailed overview of the transition phase and bonus scenarios, please visit the Loyalty Bonus section in the Webapp.

Thank you for helping students unlock their full potential!

Your GoStudent Team 🚀