Add Session Button

A new payment adjustment feature was released in your WebApp profile. This gives you the possibility to request earnings for lessons that could not be booked and therefore are not in the system.

Deleted sessions will now show as cancelled in the Lesson Overview section.  

This means that adjustments for lessons that were carried out but were not originally booked into the system will be visible on your payment PDF and for lessons where both joined, the bonus counter will increase!

To submit the request:

  • Go to the Student Overview and find the student you need to make an adjustment for.
  • Click on the three dots
  • Press “Add missing lesson”
  • Fill out the request form by adding date, time, proof and select reason for untracked lesson

Please read on for more information about submitting a successful request.

  • Provide proof
  • Please submit a screenshot of student/parent confirmation with the date and time of the lesson. In order to request this, send a message in the group with the student/parent and share the screenshot as soon as you have a reply.  The name of the WhatsApp group has to be visible in the screenshot.
  • Please use this message as a template:

    Hi Student,
    As I was unable to book our lesson on DATE & TIME in SUBJECT in time, I would briefly need your confirmation that the lesson was held in order to book it in correctly. Once the lesson is approved, a credit will be removed.
    Thank you for your time!

Any request that does not use this format will not be taken into account and will remain pending or will be rejected.
Please make sure that in the screenshot provided the group name is visible.

  • You have until the 3rd of the following month to request these untracked lesson adjustments.
  • We strongly encourage you to submit the request immediately after the lesson takes place or within 3 days after the untracked lesson takes place, as we will remove a credit from your student. This will ensure the student always has an up-to-date view of their account.
  • Requested lessons will be visible in the Earnings section and in the Lesson Overview - Previous sections of the WebApp
  • As soon as the adjustment is accepted, a lesson credit will be removed from the customer’s account.
  • Adjustments for lessons that are visible in the earnings/lesson overview stay unchanged.

Please see the example screenshot below:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the timeline and why should I do the request as soon as possible?

The deadline to complete the request is the 3rd of the following month,  the same as the deadline for the WebApp adjustments. For example, if the lesson took place on Nov 8, the deadline is Dec 3.

However, we would encourage you to request the adjustment within 3 days of when the lesson happened.

Why do I need to make this request as soon as possible?

We need to ensure credits from customers are removed as close as possible to when a lesson takes place, to ensure the lesson took place in the correct billing cycle. This will allow the customer to have the credit removed from the right credit period and to have an up-to-date view of their account.

Should I still use the Manual Adjustment Excel sheet?

The Manual Adjustment Excel sheet should only be used for adjustments for bonus or non-lesson related adjustments, or for sessions that happened in months that have already been paid out.